RDBL Utilities
RDBL Utilities
RDBL have experience of estimating, designing and installing underpinning solutions for subsidence and basement construction.
Combining the CHANCE® Helical Pile with a purpose manufactured Underpinning Bracket or Reinforced Concrete Foundation.
Our Underpinning Solutions offer a range of benefits to both domestic and commercial projects.

The Benefits
Avoids need for deep excavations and traditional mass concrete fill
Reduces programme
Uses excavators reducing long lead in times for piling rigs
Ability to work in restricted access reducing enabling works
No Pile Spoil created, excellent for contaminated soils and remove muck away costs
Low level of noise and vibration, can work along occupied buildings
Can work in and around live services and tree roots
Can be fixed to Reinforced Concrete, Steel or Casette Floors
Piles can be removed and re-used elsewhere (reducing risk of high stranding costs for obstructions)
Programme efficient as reduces enabling works and curing times
Piles can be loaded immediately
Better working space requirements, piles can be installed closer to existing structures and in narrower spaces than mini piling rigs
Product verified by Steel Construction Institute (SCI Assessed)
Meets National House Building Council (NHBC) requirements
Meets Local Authority Building Control (LABC) requirements
Steel can be traced back to source,with 98% recycled content
30 year transferrable Product Warranty available